attica attica attica…

if it don’t work out, you can always go back.

and, back to what? I don’t know…


Today Tuesday,

Hurricane hooker and spouse, T_rump, sail into the Harvey Hurricane in Houston Tex=ass…

President Stormy held a fundraiser in Houston for his legal fund.


and there was alot of hoopla about her high heels…but WHO wears hi heels to a hurricane?

I ask you?

Not only does she come out in wet weather in very expensive shiny black spike heels, but they she glissades along the grassy knoll to board the plane. At first, she looked fierce, wearing an Army green bomber jacket, slim black pants, but when you get to the heels, you think, ‘she’s gonna break her neck”

so, when the golden couple get to the San Antonio not Houston playground, they step out and cheer the many people who came out, showed up, turned out, for his ‘rally,’ and it was off key as usual.

So, Trumpty Dumpty has launched into his “Mexico will pay for the wall,” refrain, and the all wet Texans are seriously under water. I mean epic, Noah’s Ark, flood.


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